Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saints Astray Winner!

Jacqueline Carey's Saints Astray

A big congrats to Dana who won Saints Astray contest! Dana, like many of you, picked Kushiel's Dart as her favorite in the Kushiel's Legacy series. In fact, Dart was the top choice overall with 55% of you picking it! 

Thanks goes to Jacqueline Carey for letting me have this amazing giveaway! Also, thanks for those of you that have decided to stick around and follow me, I appreciate it! On a short personal note, I will soon be expanding with an Etsy shop, which will include professional prints and cards of my photography so please feel free to stick around for that!

Thanks for everyone who entered!

Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Sara, for hosting this contest! I wanted to let you know that I got my copy of Saints Astray today. I was so surprised that not only was it signed, it was personalized! I was thrilled just to win, but what a brilliant surprise. Again, thank you for hosting, and I've added your blog to my list of "regular places to visit" :)
